Care and housing are constitutive of human well-being and enable the organization and maintenance of livelihoods. However, it is only recently that housing has been recognized and investigated as an important component of welfare and care regimes. The aim of the conference was to connect research on care and housing and to show its intersectionality.
Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck and Roxana Fiebig-Spindler from the Goethe University Frankfurt held a lecture entitled 'Emerging care markets in Central and Eastern Europe: Transformations of labour, mobility and policy'.
Petra Ezzeddine and Maroš Matiaško from the Charles University Prague held a lecture entitled 'Seeking Protection: Moral Economies and Resistance of Migrant Live-in Care Workers in the Times of Care Marketization'.
Together with Brigitte Aulenbacher Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck and Petra Ezzeddine also presented the recently published book 'Home Care for Sale, The Transnational Brokering of Senior Care in Europe' (2004, edited by Brigitte Aulenbacher, Helma Lutz, Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck and Karin Schwiter) during an "Authors meet Critics" session.
You can find the booklet with the program of the conference and abstracts of all lectures here.